Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Book Birthday – Xavier – Reina Torres

Xavier (Mystic Mountain book 2)
Published to Amazon on June 23, 2020
Author Reina Torres

He thought he wanted his freedom and his solitude more than anything else in the world… until he met her.

Xavier Salazar lives the life that he wants. He has his friends and his home carved into Mystic Mountain. It’s his retreat, his refuge. When a gorgeous woman shows up in town to help make the resort’s bar a brilliant success, he’s torn. Xavier is determined to drive her away, but his panther wants to touch her all over, hide her away in their den, and add to the family that he was slowly creating around himself.

Oh, he was going to fight… hard. And yet, even he knew he was probably fighting a losing battle.

True Sinclair is at the top of her profession. Being a world class mixologist means she knows how to blend all kinds of things together. She just can’t fathom why Xavier treats her like he’s oil and she’s water. There was no doubt that he was combustible around her.

At first, he can’t seem to force himself to be civil or even make an effort to share the same town, but she finds herself drawn to the dichotomy warring inside of him.

True knows what he is and she knows what she wants, but she won’t wait around forever if the man who makes her blind with love and drunk with passion won’t even meet her halfway.

Official published review:

Love will always find a way

Oh my wow! This book is so fantastic. The author set us on a course to use our brain throughout the story to try and see the thread of the past buried in the present. I love the little hints of what is going on through the storyline, but we have to wait until the very end for the big reveal moment. As always, her characters have a depth that makes them jump right off of the pages. There are the hot alpha males we love so much, with their lady loves with just enough backbone to not get railroaded and the friends who are the family they created for themselves, and plenty of those steamy scenes that she does so well. And the links to the Sylvan City series make me want to go back and reread every book. I don't know who she is going to bring into Locke's life, well with the help of Celeste, but I know it will be his perfect match. And I can't wait to read all about it when she takes us back to Mystic Mountain once again.

5 stars



Who would have thought that I'd start off as a painfully shy child writing stories and end up as a painfully shy adult writing books and publishing them for others to read? Crazy? That's me!!

When I was a little girl, I read every book I could get my hands on and if I didn't have one available to read, I'd get out my pencils and paper and write down stories and scenes. Waiting for my mom to finish working, I'd duck into the ladies' breakroom and use the typewriter. I'd feel like Jessica Fletcher, happily tap, tap, tapping away until I got to 'The End.' Couldn't quite get the flourish after that and end up tearing the paper, but it was cool and scary to sit down and read the book or give it to my friends to read.

Now my 'typewriter' doesn't clack the same way and the I don't even have paper to pull out of it with a nod of satisfaction, but I have the joy and excitement of sharing my characters and books with people all around the world!

I hope you'll enjoy reading my books, because I'm going to keep writing as long as the characters are feeling chatty!

Author’s Website:  https://reinatorres.com/

@reinatorresromance #newrelease #bookbirthday #nextgreatread #xavier #mysticmounatin #paranormalromance

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