Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Book Birthday – Justice for Blyss – Reina Torres


Justice for Blyss (Police and Fire:  Operation Alpha) (San Antonio First Responders book 5)

Published to Amazon on August 18, 2020

Author Reina Torres


Being a Texas Game Warden was always Blyss Hardee’s dream. She had her dolls just like most girls, but her dolls healed injured animals and went fishing. Real life was much more exciting and exhilarating, unless it involved Owen Mercier.

When there was a gator that needed removing or a snake in someone’s house, the Game Wardens called Owen. He was as muscled as he was irritating, and that was a lot.

Too handsome, too self-assured, too sexy. He was always telling her that she should give him a chance, but Owen had always been a magnet for women and Blyss found it hard to believe that he could be with one woman, her.

At least that’s what she thought until he saved her life. She had different problems after that. How is she going to keep herself safe from a man who already had her heart? And what happens when the criminals who’d tried to kill her in the first place need to stop her from exposing them?

Official published review:

Love is meant for second chances

Whoowee!  This Cajun alligator wrestler stole my heart just as quickly as he stole Blyss’.  I love the way this author develops her characters, they feel so real and I can imagine running into them on any street.  I loved that Blyss made Owen work hard to overcome the perception of his past history and earn her heart.  Of course, getting thrown together in the midst of a dangerous investigation gave him plenty of opportunity to show her his love and devotion.  The author was able to put so much emotion into so many dangerous situations in this book and I absolutely loved it!  Once again, the author kept me chained to my seat right until the very end.  I don’t know where she is planning on taking us to next, but I cannot wait to read all about it.

5 stars


Who would have thought that I'd start off as a painfully shy child writing stories and end up as a painfully shy adult writing books and publishing them for others to read? Crazy? That's me!!

When I was a little girl, I read every book I could get my hands on and if I didn't have one available to read, I'd get out my pencils and paper and write down stories and scenes. Waiting for my mom to finish working, I'd duck into the ladies' breakroom and use the typewriter. I'd feel like Jessica Fletcher, happily tap, tap, tapping away until I got to 'The End.' Couldn't quite get the flourish after that and end up tearing the paper, but it was cool and scary to sit down and read the book or give it to my friends to read.

Now my 'typewriter' doesn't clack the same way and the I don't even have paper to pull out of it with a nod of satisfaction, but I have the joy and excitement of sharing my characters and books with people all around the world!

I hope you'll enjoy reading my books, because I'm going to keep writing as long as the characters are feeling chatty!


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@reinatorresromance #bookbirthday #justiceforblyss #newrelease #contemporaryromance #5starreview #nextgreatread #policeandfireoperationalpha #sanantoniofirstresponders

Cupcake picture by The Scran Line

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