Sunday, February 16, 2020

Book Birthday – Rescued by the Alien Pirate – Celia Kyle & Athena Storm

Rescued by the Alien Pirate:  Science Fiction Alien Romance (Mates of the Kilgari book 1)

Published to Amazon on February 15, 2020

Author Celia Kyle & Athena Storm

I woke from cryostasis a prisoner. My crime? I have no idea. 

I was stuck with a hundred other women, all headed to who knows where. Captive in a dank, dirty cargo hold.

Then, out of the darkness, came Solair. 

A handsome alien. Golden skinned. Horned. The dashing captain of a pirate ship. They rescued us--he gave my people food, shelter, and promised us safety. In exchange?

He took me for himself. 

But the people who captured us, haven’t given up. They want us back. They’re powerful and will do whatever it takes to find us. The only thing stopping them?


He wants me. And what he takes…

He keeps.

Official published review:

Awakening the sleeping beauties

I love how the salvage ship became the love boat. It’s actually really amazing considering the way the ladies are really demanding and waspish in the beginning. I really enjoyed the way Varia struggles with what she knows is true and what she wants to be true. The authors did a fantastic job of creating this new world and the characters just seemed like they naturally fell into their correct places within it. As you read you can see where more and more connections are being made. Hopefully this means many more books by this writing duo. I can’t wait to see which couple we get to read about next.

5 stars


Ex-dance teacher, former accountant and erstwhile collectible doll salesperson, Celia Kyle now writes paranormal and science fiction romances as well as urban fantasy. It goes without saying that there's always a happily-ever-after for her characters, even if there are a few road bumps along the way. Today she lives in central Florida and writes full-time with the support of her loving husband and two finicky cats.

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Athena Storm is the pen name for two authors who fell in love with writing science fiction romance as they fell in love with each other.

She's the Athena. And he's the Storm. Athena hopes that one day it won't be a boyfriend/girlfriend writing duo, but a husband/wife team. But she's not pressuring at all. Not one bit.

Science fiction is the biggest love for the writing duo, and they've been doing the writing for quite some time now, building a universe that readers can get lost and explore in. Filled with big bad alien warriors, sassy human women who give as well as they get, hilarious situations, and enough steam to melt stars!

The duo have created the Athenaverse, where all books in all series are tied together. You can start anywhere but once you do, you'll want to explore them all!

When they get married, they plan to continue writing science fiction romance forever. But again, no pressure on the marrying part. Not at all. (Not like writing Happily Ever After ALL Day won't give you any ideas on its own, right?)

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