Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Book Birthday – Sanguine Scent – Reina Torres


Sanguine Scent Spellbound Sensuality Series):  A Paranormal Vampire Romance (Real Men Romance Season One)

Published to Amazon on January 5, 2021

Author Reina Torres


Amaro Casal cares about three things: life, love, and women. And not in that order. He’s as wild as they come, but when he crashes a garden party he discovers the one woman who may be able to tame the wild within.

Then she’s snatched from him and he has hell to pay.

What’s the use of vampiric immortality if he’s forced to live alone forever? All he has left is a thirst for revenge.

But when his friend brings him to Othercross he catches a glimpse at a second chance…

Alba Pacetti uses her love of nature to create the most beautiful gardens in the world. Her ability to tap into the magic of the earth makes her a hot commodity for the warlock who wants to own her, but her heart belongs to someone else. Someone she lost a long time ago.

When Amaro finds himself within reach of the woman who was torn from his arms, he’ll stop at nothing to make her his Beloved.

**Part of the "Real Men Romance" multi-author world.**

Official published review:

The scent of love
What an absolutely amazing story! It’s intense and sweet and completely threw me off kilter. The characters are phenomenal! I love Alba, she is just so sweet and delicate, and in an impossible situation keeping her small when she is so much more. And Amaro! Delicious! In an instant he goes from the top of the world to the bottom of the barrel, just so he can rise again. The elements of danger are exactly what this story needed to blend into a book that blew me away. This book fits perfectly with the Othercross world and I can only hope that the author continues to bring us more books as amazing as this one

5 stars



Who would have thought that I'd start off as a painfully shy child writing stories and end up as a painfully shy adult writing books and publishing them for others to read? Crazy? That's me!!

When I was a little girl, I read every book I could get my hands on and if I didn't have one available to read, I'd get out my pencils and paper and write down stories and scenes. Waiting for my mom to finish working, I'd duck into the ladies' breakroom and use the typewriter. I'd feel like Jessica Fletcher, happily tap, tap, tapping away until I got to 'The End.' Couldn't quite get the flourish after that and end up tearing the paper, but it was cool and scary to sit down and read the book or give it to my friends to read.

Now my 'typewriter' doesn't clack the same way and the I don't even have paper to pull out of it with a nod of satisfaction, but I have the joy and excitement of sharing my characters and books with people all around the world!

I hope you'll enjoy reading my books, because I'm going to keep writing as long as the characters are feeling chatty!


Author’s Website:  https://reinatorres.com/

Author’s Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/ReinaTorresRomance

Author’s Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/reinatorresromance/

Author’s Amazon:  https://www.amazon.com/Reina-Torres/e/B01GF5UIK0

Author’s Goodreads:  https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/15294691.Reina_Torres

Author’s BookBub:  https://www.bookbub.com/authors/reina-torres

@reinatorresromance #bookbirthday #newrelease #realmenromance #sanguinescent #vampireromance #pnr #paranormalromance #spellboundsensuality #nextgreatread #5starreview

Cupcake picture by The Scran Line 


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