Thursday, November 19, 2020

Book Birthday – Caught Between Two Blue Aliens – Celia Kyle & Michele Mills


Caught Between Two Blue Aliens:  An In the Stars Scifi Alien Romance

Published to Amazon on November 19, 2020

Author Celia Kyle & Michele Mills


It was just supposed to be a job—a well-paying job, but just a job. And it is… until it isn’t and suddenly Jenna’s facing two blue aliens who want her to leave Earth behind… forever. Da fuq was in that wine?

Jenna is working her butt off at three different jobs in order to provide for her younger siblings. And tonight’s high-profile catering gig (hazard pay bay-bee!) at Drokten Main is going to give her not only dollahz, but also the perfect opportunity to check out the shirtless blue alien heroes who saved Earth from near destruction. Whoo Hoo!

At the party, she overhears a crazy plot to destroy the Drokten and kick them off the planet. Holy crap! And the next thing she knows she’s standing in front of the Commander of the entire Drokten fleet, as well as the Drokten Ambassador, trying to warn them both of the eminent threat to their safety. And just like that they want her on their battleship and in their bed. Both of them. Together.

W…what? Uh…no? Yes? NO. No matter how hot they are, the answer is no. Right?

Being an alien booty call—no matter how hot the males are—isn’t on Jenna’s to do list. Plus, she can’t leave her siblings behind! But darn it, these guys should be in sales, because they’re so freaking persuasive. And every time they hold her in their possessive embrace, pressed between their hard bodies…well, her heart goes pitter-patter and her body lights on fire.

How is a girl supposed to say no? But, on the other hand, how can she say yes when the lives of her brother and sister are at stake?

Official published review:

Her side hustle

What an amazing story! The characters are fantastic and I love the emotional depth that the authors were able to achieve between these three. I enjoyed every moment of them trying to make their way in a world where cultures clashed and patience and understanding was of the utmost importance. Once I started reading this book I couldn't put it down until the very end. The authors kept the story moving with intrigue and blackmail, making for a wild ride to the HEA these three never thought they would find. I really hope that these two authors bring us more books from the blue warriors. I would love to see Jenna's best friend find her HEA, maybe to that communication duo, hint hint. But no matter what these authors write next, together or as a writing team, it is sure to be a hit.

5 stars


Ex-dance teacher, former accountant and erstwhile collectible doll salesperson, Celia Kyle now writes paranormal and science fiction romances as well as urban fantasy. It goes without saying that there's always a happily-ever-after for her characters, even if there are a few road bumps along the way. Today she lives in central Florida and writes full-time with the support of her loving husband and two finicky cats.

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Michele Mills lives in California and leads a life of quiet, G rated desperation with her husband and two sons. In an attempt at a fulfilling, R rated inner life that does not include Disney movies and Nickelodeon; Michele reads and writes filthy romance and, well...filthy romance. And she wouldn't have it any other way.


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@celiakyle #michelemills #caughtbetweentwobluealiens #scifiromance #oneclickauthor #nextgreatread #bookbirthday #newrelease #5starreview #inthestarsromance

Cupcake picture by The Scran Line

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