Sunday, September 20, 2020

Book Aversary – Freeing the Feline – Lacey Thorn


I am really enjoying celebrating all of these Book Aversaries with you guys.  It lets me share more of my favorite “Go To” reads with everyone and hopefully make some converts out of the newbies.  (No, I’m not forming a cult…well maybe a clan, and the only price of admission is to love to read.)

I’m a little late on this one, but the other best thing about celebrating Book Aversaries is that I get the perfect excuse to ignore new releases and re-read my favorites.  Not that I need an excuse since I re-read them anyways whenever the mood strikes.  Anyhoo, Freeing the Feline is the third book in the Awakening Pride series.  The author gave birth to this one on September 9, 2014, according to Goodreads.  It’s hard to tell since it is only a minor change, but Logan’s story has had two covers in the six years that it has been out in the world.

I was really anticipating reading this book during my first read of the series.  I was so worried that Logan would be left in the cold as the only human male in the pride, but I should have had more faith in the author.  What can I say!  I was still a Lacey Thorn newbie and unsure if she would be the author I hoped she was.  She certainly exceeded my expectations with this book.

Ms Thorn brought a lioness into Logan’s life that is equal parts meek and gentle and dominant alpha female.  We got to see as Clara slowly overcame her own insecurities and found her place in the pride.  After reading this book I was left with a sense that these two can do anything as long as they are together. 

I tuly enjoyed the ending to this book, it brought tears of joy and sadness to my eyes, and an overwhelming need to see what happens next.  I could tell you what happens, but where is the fun in that!  I hope you grab a copy of Freeing the Feline and find out for yourself.

Happy Reading


Freeing the Feline (Awakening Pride book 3)

Published to Amazon on October 13, 2018

Author Lacey Thorn


He’s only human…
The only thing Logan despises more than a weak man is one who preys on others. He finds himself in a battle between a group of people he never dreamed existed, and those who want them dead.
A captured lioness…
Clara has always known she carried the spirit of a lioness within her. An impulsive quest finds her at the mercy of a man she’s spent her entire life hearing about. She wants to claim her place as part of his pride, but to do so means turning her back on the one who reared her.
One look at Clara has Logan chomping at the bit to protect her. Every moment spent together assures him she feels the same. She’s the one with a beast inside, but he’s the one feeling territorial. Every glance has his chest swelling with primal need. Every touch sends one word echoing through his mind. Soon he’ll show her exactly what it means to belong.

Official published review:

Love always finds a way

So many exciting things keep happening in this series. Each book makes me thirsty for the next one. I love the way the author portrays the characters, the story line and the HEAs. This book was a perfect addition to the series and it gave us a deeper glimpse into each couple and showed us so many paths for future stories. I can’t wait to see who finds their mate next.

4 stars


Lacey is a hyper blonde, bouncing through life with her magical bracelets of positivity. A die-hard gamer (she refuses to call it an addiction), she resides in Oklahoma, mom to three awesome children, one demanding dog, and a crazy cat. She has a passion for life and tends to leap long before she checks for safety exits.

She writes possessive, alpha heroes who demand everything from the women they love. Believing sex is an integral part of a healthy romantic relationship, she doesn’t believe in closed doors, or even confining things to the indoors. Her stories reflect her strong family ties, friendships that showcase how some family consists of those we choose, and a goofy sense of humor that helps keep her laughing through all life’s ups and downs.

She loves to chat with anyone and often does to the annoyance of her children who are always in a hurry. If you want to talk books, television, movies, actors, World of Warcraft, prepping for the zombie apocalypse, or music (she loves music!), drop her a line at

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