Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Book Birthday – Future Past – Bianca D’Arc

Future Past (Gift of the Ancients book 2)

Published to Amazon on February 18, 2020

Author Bianca D’Arc

They can see the future, but can they outrun the past?

Rose has had the gift of prophecy most of her life and has found ways to cope with the flashes of foresight that plague her. Jeff has only had the ability for a few months and he needs Rose’s help to harness it. He sees her in his future, and puts his plan into action, knowing that an enemy is coming for them both.

An explosive situation, and a dangerous man…

Jeff is tall, sexy and has an air of mystery about him. She doesn’t need her prophetic gifts to know that spells trouble. Of course, he’s just the sort of trouble she’s been craving in her life. When he shows up at her workplace, she agrees to meet him for coffee, but when bad guys start shooting up the local mall to get to them, she follows her instincts and takes the escape he offers…straight into his waiting arms.

A secret base, and a secret unit…

Rose discovers all sorts of things she had never dreamed of before. Whisked away, under fire, to a secret military base, she’s offered a job where she’s supposed to help Jeff learn more about his newly acquired gift. But, when the enemy attacks the island base, she wonders if she’s there to help Jeff, or is it really the other way around? Either way, she discovers a deep and dangerous love for the soldier who stole her heart almost at first sight. Can they fight through to a place where their love can blossom, or are they doomed even before they start? Even Rose can’t see that future…

Bianca D'Arc started her professional life running a laboratory. After grad school, she started to climb the corporate ladder in the shark-infested streets of lower Manhattan. Along the way, she studied various forms of the martial arts, racked up hundreds of thousands of frequent flyer miles, and learned that life is too short to spend it doing something you dislike. She now writes full time and loves it more than anything, though she'll always miss her first love... her laboratory

Author’s Website:  https://www.biancadarc.com/

Author’s Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/BiancaDArcAuthor

Author’s Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/biancadarc/

Author’s Amazon:  https://www.amazon.com/Bianca-DArc/e/B002BLP0WY

Author’s Goodreads:  https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/38820.Bianca_D_Arc

Author’s BookBub:  https://www.bookbub.com/authors/bianca-d-arc

Author’s mailing list:  http://eepurl.com/ILM5v

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