Sunday, July 5, 2020

Serious Sunday - Overcoming the COVID 25

Oh, my goodness, it has been such a long time since I just set down and wrote a blog post.  Oh, you know, life got in the way what with COVID and quarantine.  Now I find myself writing a post in the hopes of getting back on track with my health, fitness and life goals.

Yeah, I totally picked up the COVID 20, okay it might actually be the COVID 25, but whose counting.  Me obviously!  I don’t even know that I can blame it on COVID, but it seems like the thing to do.  I mean everything else seems to be COVID’s fault.  I still had to go into the hospital to work most days, so I wasn't really quarantined.  I might have been home more than normal, but that is just me making excuses for not sticking with my routine.

It actually started pre-COVID, I started with a dark spot in my vision and the retinologist said that I had to slow down so my eyeball didn’t explode.  Alright, alright, he didn’t say explode, but come on you guys know I am a drama queen.  Anyway, the dark spot is still there with no changes and my eyeball is still fine, so I can’t use that excuse anymore.

Then I got hit with the fact that I had to come up with $20,000.00 a year, for the next four years, to pay my share of my daughter’s college journey.  Now don’t get me wrong, I am so grateful for the $30,000.00 a year in scholarships, awards, grants and loans, but I was having a major freakout.  But not to worry, I at least have this year’s figured out, maybe, hopefully, so I can’t use that excuse either.

On top of all that, and both girls being home suddenly, ALL OF THE TIME, we had a major project going on at work and I was really feeling the pressure.  Which, for me, meant stress eating here I come.  Now the project is still ongoing, but the hardest part is done, and I just have to wean myself off of the unhealthy food.  Which is harder than you might think.  Or you might know if you are the same way.

I guess it’s time to pull up my big girl panties and get to work.  No one is going to push me harder to meet my goals then myself.  I am in the process of re-evaluating my goals and putting a plan in place to reach them.  It makes it a lot easier when I have steps to reach, it keeps me from getting overwhelmed.  But first I had to face reality, so I finally stepped on the scale and I got a friend to take my picture, so I could update my annual timeline photo.  Talk about a rude awakening, but there it was in black and white, I fell off the wagon, over the cliff, and onto the highway to where I came from.

Let’s just say I have my work cut out for me.  But that’s okay, we all have set backs and it’s just God’s way of making sure we learned the lesson.  So, I might have more stress and trials in my future, but hopefully I will be able to cope with them better, or at least healthier.  Now it’s time to restart the process and get back on my path.

You can be sure I will be doing that with a good book, or 20, and a lot of water.  If you guys find yourselves in the same spot, I am always on the lookout for more people to add to my tribe.  I often feel like I am on my own, when it comes to reaching my goals, and that makes it so much harder to stick on the path.  So, reach out if you want to join me on my journey.  You can feel free to be yourself and get the support you need to meet your goal, whatever that is.  Plus, I am going to be doing a monthly giveaway, when I stay the course and reach my monthly goal, I will be giving away a few Amazon ebooks written by some of my favorite authors.  I believe in sharing the joy and you guys will get to reap the benefits.


Happy Reading


#covid25 #stresseating #getupanddoit #makeaplan #sticktoit #gettowork #setagoal #mytribe #facethetruth

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