Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Book Birthday - First Gear - Eve Langlais

First Gear (Mecha Origin book 4)
Published to Amazon on January 7, 2020
Author Eve Langlais

When an intrepid explorer finds a lost temple, what's inside will change the course of history.

The planet is dying, and yet Jool is convinced there's a way to save its people. The answer lies in a deadly mountain range that no one dares explore, but he doesn't have a choice. The voice in his head proves insistent.

With nothing to lose and everything to gain, Jool sets out to find the truth--and almost dies on his journey.

When he stumbles upon a hidden temple, he won't just find salvation and a cure for his wife, he'll becomes the first prophet to serve the Mecha Gods.

Are you ready for the story of the first gear?

New York Times and USA Today Bestseller Eve Langlais is a Canadian author who loves to write hot romance. She likes to blame her twisted imagination for her sarcastic sense of humor which tends to heavily influence her stories. She enjoys writing about strong alpha males, and shifters. Lots of big, overprotective shifters that need the right woman to temper their wild side--and unleash the lover.

She loves to write, and while she might not always know what her mind is going to come up with next, she does promise it will be fun, probably humorous and most of all romantic, because she believes in a happily ever after.

Author’s Website:  http://evelanglais.com/wordpress/

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