Thursday, October 1, 2020

Book Aversary – My Angel – Alanea Alder


Ohh lookie!  Another book from one of my favorite series celebrated a Book Aversary in August.  My Angel was originally published on August 29, 2017, according to Goodreads.  During that time, it has stayed true to it’s roots with the original published cover.  Which I absolutely love!  I mean I could just stare at those back details all day.  Of course, then I would miss the phenomenal book that hides under the cover, so I tend to try and limit my drooling to only a few minutes.

I really enjoyed the path the author took us down in this book and the way so many elements converged to enrich the story as well as the series.  These two characters connected perfectly, and they seemed to be exactly what each other needed to make up for all of the long years when they lived in doubt.  I truly enjoyed this story and having re-read it for the Book Aversary, I just can’t seem to stop without moving onto the next book.

I hope that you take a little bit of time out of your busy schedules to read/re-read this book to help My Angel have a fantastic Book Aversary.

Happy Reading


My Angel (Bewitched and Bewildered book 9)

Published to Amazon on September 5, 2017

Author Alanea Alder


Vivian Mercy has been running from the past for so long she doesn’t know any other way of life. When a panicked call comes from one of her only friends she finds herself returning to the city of her nightmares where her dedication as a doctor and resolve to help others is put to the test.

Etain Vi’Aerlin has been watching over Noctem Falls for centuries. Sent by his queen he became a silent sentinel in the shadows helping Magnus whenever he could. While the sickness around him claims more lives he discovers what it feels like to be helpless, as an ancient warrior he doesn’t have the skills to fight this unseen enemy.

At any other time finding a mate would be cause for celebration, but Etain wants Vivian as far from Noctem Falls as possible, unfortunately, as the only doctor with an intimate knowledge of diseases she has to stay in the city, and finds herself working tirelessly to discover a cure in the middle of the deadly chaos sweeping the levels.

As Vivian’s past is revealed she finds herself not only combating the terrible virus but also the rebellious faction of the Founding Families. Etain vows to stand by her, even if it means abandoning the post assigned by his queen.

It’s a race against time to unravel the lethal secrets the virus is hiding before the city itself is lost forever.

Official published review:

The answer to a problem

I love the way this author portrays the fae. Tall, elegantly graceful with a golden glow to surround their gorgeous visage. The ongoing story line just keeps getting interesting. This series is one that I can not imagine ending. Luckily we have two more pillar cities to visit and Keelan to rescue, oh and I feel like Sascha is really meant for Penny. I can’t wait to read the next book to see what happens next.

4 stars


Alanea Alder started writing at a very young age, some of her first scribblings are treasured in a keepsake box and written in green marker.  She started when she was still in grade school and continued on through college.

A Jack of All Trades, Alanea loves to read. Her bookcase is an eclectic mess ranging from Japanese Kanji flashcards to a Microbiology study guide. Her fiction section is just as varied from the whimsical Louisa May Alcott to the steamy scenes of Laurel K Hamilton. Above all else and before she was a writer, she will always be an avid reader.

She absolutely loves to hear from her readers so don’t hesitate to reach out via the contact form or on Facebook.

Her promise to her readers “If you keep reading, I’ll keep writing!”

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@alaneaalder #myangel #bewitchedandbewildered #oneclickauthor #favoriteseries #bookaversary #nextgreatread #merynmoment #sacredforestpublishing #PNR #paranormalromance

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