Monday, October 26, 2020

Book Birthday – Witch on the Case – Mina Carter


Witch on the Case:  Magic and Mayhem Universe (La Fay Chronicles book 3)

Published to Amazon on October 26, 2020

Author Mina Carter


Fired from her job, hiding an illegal fae and thrown out of her apartment, the day couldn't get any worse for witch Daffi McGee...


Until apparently, it could. 


When a stuck up former co-worker is slaughtered in cold blood, Daffi finds herself framed for murder. She needs to take on the case as an MPI (Magical Private Investigator), stop the real killer and clear her name. All before the authorities find out the sexy fae she might or might not be falling in love with just so happens to be king of the fairies. Causing a diplomatic incident is so not on her to do list. 


But when the killer turns their attention to Daffi's friends, it's time to make a stand. She might be from a homely witch family but when the chips are down, the power of the crone rings true...

Official published review:

And then there were three

How can you not love this witch and her grumpy sidekick? These characters were so well written and endearing. I love how nothing really seems to put a damper on Daffi’s smile, even when she has to force it. And oh my, her leading man is all in when he finds the one meant for him. The author kept the story interesting and fast paced with a mystery to be solved and a dead body or two. This book was a fantastic addition to the M&M universe and the La Fay Chronicles series, and it makes me excited to see what the author thinks up next.

5 stars


Mina was born and raised in the East Farthing of Middle Earth (otherwise known as the Midlands, England) and spend her childhood learning all the sorts of things generally required of a professional adventurer. Able to ride, box, shoot, make and read maps, make chainmail and use a broadsword (with varying degrees of efficiency) she was disgusted to find that adventuring is not considered a suitable occupation these days.

So, instead of slaying dragons and hunting vampires and the like, Mina spends her days writing about hot shifters, government conspiracies and vampire lords with more than their fair share of RAWR. Turns out wanna-be adventurers have quite the turn of imagination after all...

(But she keeps that sword sharp, just in case the writing career is just a dream and she really *is* an adventurer.)

The boring part: A full time author, photographer and cover artist, Mina can usually be found hunched over a keyboard or graphics tablet, frantically trying to get the images and words in her head out and onto the screen before they drive her mad. She's addicted to coffee and would like to be addicted to chocolate, but unfortunately chocolate dislikes her.

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@minacarter77 #witchonthecase #5starreview #bookbirthday #newrelease #nextgreatread #paranormalromance @magicmayhemuniverse #oneclickauthor #favoriteauthor

Cupcake picture by The Scran Line

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